The 360 Social Care Debate

In May 2022 a specially invited group of participants assembled to discuss the challenges faced within the Social Care industry. The idea was to have the right people in one place discussing the many challenges for the sector from every perspective, to inform holistic solutions. The result was the creation of a white paper entitled The 360 Social Care Debate. The sessions were hosted by Hannah Montgomery of Golddust Marketing who also authored the white paper. Discover more about Hannah and Golddust Marketing by visiting

The problem

The mobile workforce problem “mobileworkforceology” is a problem faced by organisations delivering services in multiple locations by field based workers to client-centric requirements and who wish to provide excellent, cost effective and consistent continuity of service, for example in the home care, cleaning, security and facility management industries. 

Has NDGAI solved this problem? 

Our AI solves this problem better than any other system. Investment of over £1.5m, including a government funded Knowledge Transfer Partnership (KTP) with Nottingham University, enabled the research and development of OptifAI®, NDGAI’s revolutionary, innovative product that solves the mobileworkforceology problem. A prodigious team collaborated and conducted cutting edge, groundbreaking research on methodologies over an eight year period, tackling Workforce Scheduling and Routing Problems (WSRP). 

 "81% of care workers are worried about the future of social care"

“The mobile workforce problem, is this a real-world issue that needs to be resolved? If biology is the study of life, ‘mobileworkforceology’ is the study of how to deliver services across many locations, on time, while ensuring we are still person-centered and focused on quality

Dr Rodrigo Pinheiro
Director of Data Science


NDGAI has solved the mobile workforce problem “mobileworkforceology” faced by organisations delivering services in multiple locations to client-centric requirements and who wish to provide excellent, cost effective and consistent continuity of service, for example in the home care, cleaning, security and facility management industries. We do this better than any other system.

OptifAI® uses optimisation models and intelligent algorithms to automatically generate schedules for mobile workforces - workers that travel between locations to perform tasks. Homecare is an example of this type of scenario, where nurses, social workers, carers etc. visit patients in their own homes to provide health or care services. Research revealed the computational difficulty of this type of problem and laid the foundation for the models and algorithms created.

Joint expertise, experience and know-how ensures OptifAI® delivers high-performance schedules that utilise staff more efficiently, error free and much faster than any other system, because AI never has a bad day.

OptifAI® makes coordinators' lives simpler, more pleasant, and more productive, resulting in improved business performance, business growth and increased profitability.  Equally, OptifAI® supports industry and organisational compliance, ensuring businesses provide their services with the highest levels of quality, safely and effectively, as well as evidencing a well-managed business with great leadership.  A happy and fulfilled workforce is a sticky and reliable workforce.

"Recruitment is the biggest issue affecting social care" 

"93% of Care Workers think that AI will benefit social care"

AI is not coming, it's already here…… let's embrace the future together!

The Social Care Debate White Paper

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